Monday, May 4, 2009


I just got home from Panera Bread for the second time, because I was done waiting for this U of M interviewer. We've been trying to finagle the interview for over a month, and I've been where I was supposed to both times!! I don't -like- sitting around in Panera looking clueless. I don't even want the money, it's not important, the irresponsibility on their part is ridiculous.

Spent parts of Saturday and Sunday hanging out with Grandpa, and did a little yardwork for him. There's a bush on the side of the house, and Ken and I cut down the biggest few branches (or whatever they are) that weren't producing anything. The privacy fence there was leaning a bit to start with, and I think we made it lean a litte further... I'm not too worried, though. Still, everything was still standing (including Grandpa!), and we had some good chats. I guess I had been volunteered to show Grandpa how to use the DVD player, but when I said "Sure!", he asked me if I brought one... I did not. So that'll have to wait.

Sometimes, I forget how influenced I am by things and people. But that's worked to a great advantage, in my opinion. I was influenced by a missionary who spoke to my Sunday school about Japan. I was later influenced in either an e-mail or a comment from a certain family member (HI MARIAN!!), who had gone to the same school I had, and mentioned how interesting a liguistics class was. Later, a decidedly left-wing website had reading suggestions, and through all of the uninteresting titles and subjects, I found one that stuck out, written by an author whose area of expertise is "cognitive linguistics." All these little points of interest turned into these broad, genuinely fascinating ideas, and they're all shaping up in one way or another to be a part of the plan.

Okay, fine, "the plan" changes virtually every time I talk about it, but a wise green man once said "Always in motion is the future." I shouldn't even really be planning too thoroughly past OCC right now, but it's really easy to do. The closer things are more concrete, the far off are just daydreams. Here's what I'm thinking right at the moment-

Immediate Future- OCC, Associate's Degree of Liberal Arts

Happening, 100% for-sure. I start in two weeks, and HOLY CRAP AM I EXCITED. We're talking about the next two years here, but I am going to do everything in my power to make this happen. The whole POINT of this stage is to serve as a stepping stone, and I'd be pretty SOL without it.

Near-enough future- EMU, Bachelor of Arts, Linguistics/Japanese Language and Culture, Psychology minor

Semi-solid. Gelatinous, even. If it were jello, it would have banana slices in it, representing the double major. Everything else can change however it needs to, but I know absolutely that I want to major in both Japanese and Linguistics. That has been constant. The school has been surprisingly difficult to pin down. I've looked at about a dozen and only two have all the options I want; Oakland University (the four-year counterpart to OCC), and Eastern Michigan University. Places like U of M would have one program (in their case, a fantastic Linguistics department), but not the other. The only downside to Oakland is the fact that they've lumped their Chinese and Japanese programs together, and I don't really want both. It feels kinda weird that EMU is my best choice, though I wouldn't be adverse to going back. The Psychology minor is the newest and least essential part in this step, because it's mostly to lead into...

Yeeeeeaaaars from now- Master of Arts in Cognitive Linguistics

Pure daydreams, less substantial than air. If I ever chose to go this way, I'd like to have that minor in Psych. to aid these studies (though the admission process says you just need a formal background in psychology OR linguistics). I've just been looking, not planning, really. I have no idea how I'll feel if/when I get to the end of the Bachelor's stuff, or what career opportunities will look like. At this point, it's mere possibility.

OCC right now is looking pretty good. From May 19th to June 25th, I'll be taking a history course, and while I was writing this post, I went and registered for the second half of the summer semester (July through August), where I'll see a really easy math class and intro to psychology. I need one four-credit math class and one science lab (here's hoping Astronomy is cool!), which fills out an eight-credit block, and psychology is to fulfill part of my Social Sciences requirement, which I would have just done with more history classes, but it can't all be done "in one discipline." Same reason I'll end up taking a 3 credit sketching course in the fall-- not all of my Japanese courses count toward my Humanities requirement.

After my first class, I'll have already passed more credits at OCC than my one year at EMU.


1 comment:

  1. Linguistics is a super fascinating discipline. I'm still dabbling into it, via readings and such. If you like, I'll see if I have any of my books or notes from any of my classes - and send them up if you want. And hey, I'm proud of you dude. I think you're approaching this "planning for the future" with just the right amount of reality and dreams. One never knows what the future will bring, but having an idea of what you want to do really helps it seem less confusing or threatening. And it makes the present seem like it's more productive.

    Good job!
