Sunday, February 21, 2010

Alright. There's a disconnect here. I'm looking for "where" and having trouble.

I think I know what you're saying, but to be honest, even the people closest around me are entirely incomprehensible to me at times. I dunno why I just don't get things that seem obvious, but it happens.

Like any attempt to pin a behavioral trait, whatever I said is subject to exception, and doesn't strictly apply to reality. I know that. I also exaggerated, because I was probably in some sort of mood. If I were even half-right about a single sweeping statement I've made, I'd be invited to soooo many thinktanks and conferences and whatnot for my "unique insight" on human behavior.

As for not getting my hopes up, well, the thing about my plans is that they take place over months and years. Nine months so far, and over a year to go. This will happen, barring catastrophe. I will finish OCC, at the very least. The rest is theoretical, but I need to have an idea for something, because going in blind has not served me well in the past. If it seems like I'm expecting everything to go right all the time, please keep in mind that I'm hoping for the best. I do have plans for the worst, and everything in between, but I'm through wandering and wondering. It's gotten me nowhere, and I'm sick of nowhere.

It's slow going. I am impatient. At this point, I might start taking full time classes instead of part-time, since I know how stupidly low the work requirement actually is at this school. Maybe it won't take another fifteen months. Who knows?


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