Saturday, March 28, 2009


In the final episode of Battlestar Galactica (2003 series), one of the characters mentions how humanity's brain gets ahead of its soul, referring to high technology. I think it has hit the nail on the head. But what is anyone gonna do about it? We're already getting down to the wire on resources- if everyone abandoned their mass media, we'd have needed more lebenschraum years ago. As crappy as that is, we were lucky to not have hit a major war, a REAL major war, so far.

I wish things were different. I wish we were conscientious, that we thought and felt, instead of purely reacting. Reactionary bullshit is what's gonna kill us all. Who has the all the guns, the most jets, the biggest, newest phallus of planetary destruction. I hate it all. It's short sighted, it's stupid, it's barely sentient. That's the kind of thing that'll bite us in the ass (soon enough, dear reader). How about the pushing that aside in favor of peace, of fraternal love?

Here's one fucking thing I can't stand; religious warring. Every single one prescribes at least one thing-- the unity of mankind in peace. So why do we all hate each other? Who gives a damn what anyone else believes if you're to love them regardless?! And in a modern world, where everyone's heard enough of every side to make their choice, why lecture, argue, hate, or kill over it? That'd be a series of mindless reaction, little better than animals.

I guess that's where the quote unravels. We weren't really better before technology. The souls and sentience we claim to have, the things that separate us from being just animals, seem barely present. I mean, hell, a monkey in a zoo can save up rocks to throw later. So let's move on, eh? Stop collecting stones, agree that we're all people, human beings that need and want the same things, and start working on it!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. I so completely agree - as I said once ... we were taught "tolerance" as children, but the lesson seems to be ONLY for children. As adults, humans seem to be incredibly jugdemental. "Your skin is the wrong color!" "Your religion is wrong!" "Your sexuality is wrong" Everything is wrong....but one thing always remains - we're all, everyone of us, just simple human beings.
