Thursday, March 26, 2009


One day at a Shell station, I was picking up a Coke and a snack, and I discovered that Mike-Sell's Old Fashioned Salt & Pepper flavored potato chips are AMAZING.

I found out that my goal as set out in my first post is already unattainable. Kinda gave me relief. Even yesterday, before I figured it all out, I was storming around thinking "MUST. GO. NOW." As it turns out, Japanese classes (my primary focus) are only available during full semesters. Each one beyond Beginning Japanese I requires the course before it, so I'll be at OCC for two years. It's for the better. I can ease in, like everyone's telling me to, and won't have to worry about potential 16 credit hour semesters.

If anyone sees Watchmen, lemme know what you think. There are a ton of other movies coming out that I'd like to see. Aliens vs Monsters, Terminator 4, the Star Trek prequel, the Wolverine movie, and something I just learned today-- Where the Wild Things Are. Yeah, the book of ten sentences. It -looks- really good. They'll have to take great liberty with the story, but if it's done well enough, I don't care. My dad told me Tim Burton was doing Alice in Wonderland, too, and that sounds like it'll be good. I saw a cardboard thing at the theater for a 20's or 30's gangster movie with Johnny Depp and Christian Bale, but after seeing the trailer, I'm not so sure it looks as interesting.

Where the Wilds Things Are trailer

There are people who could use some source-citing skills. There was someone on facebook shouting about how the unemployment rate in Michigan is 25%... Yeah, uh, 's time to pull our heads out, eh? That was an exaggerated figure of DETROIT'S unemployment according to the Free Press. I'm not trying to demean Detroit's hellish situation by saying that, either, but get your facts straight. It's not even that hard to find! All *I* did was go to Google and type "michigan unemployment rate"! It's -that- easy to fact check. So no, Michigan does NOT have every one of four people out of work. It's more like one out of eight... Yeah, it's 12%. On a national level, that number would be historic levels of bad. Last time it was above 10%, it was around WW2, and before that, the 1890's (although before the 1940's, those numbers are "estimates"-- Bureau of Labor Statistics). Michigan has it bad, but not as bad as people would like to scream about. Just don't look for work in Detroit >_>.

Possibly going to Ypsi today? Hope so...


1 comment:

  1. you should get in touch with your cousin Brian - he's my age - because he learned Japanese, went to Japan and taught for a while. He was way into the culture. Let me know if you want his email/blog addresses.

    Aunt M.
