Friday, August 14, 2009

Final (revised) Fall schedule!

I swear, every time I look at school stuff, something is different, even though the words have been exactly the same.

So I had registered and paid for my Fall classes already. Beginning Japanese 1, Intro to Logic, Organizational Psych. But, as I learned Sunday (I think? Possibly Monday), the Psychology of Organizational Behavior is essentially "Business Psych." Marian had told me this, since she had worked for the APA, and I said "Wait, that sounds really boring." I went back and read the course description to figure out what I had done. From what I can tell, it was because;

1) It was a Psych class.
2) It was a Psych class that didn't have the Intro to Psych prerequisite

The issue with #2 is that I'm currently TAKING Intro to Psych, and to take other Psychology, I need to have PASSED it, and based on how long it took to get my grade after Summer 1, I won't have a posted grade for it until the semester starts. That's fine, I thought, because this other class has no prerequisites! But it's for Management and Business students... They don't need Intro to Psych, because they take this class instead. It's not a class you take to further your psychological studies (unless you're totally anal). I ran back to the online registration page, worried that there would be difficulty in switching that class out, but everything went smoothly. As long as I took another 3-credit class, there would be no additional charges.

In place of that Psych class, I will be taking my required PoliSci class, American Government. Again, my charted plans have deviated wildly. I had originally set up my schedule so that my summers would include my required credits, leaving my fuller Fall and Winter semesters with mostly electives. That way, the fifteen weeks I'd spend would be fun and interesting, while all the suffering of boring General Education classes would be confined to seven and a half. So why do Poli Sci now? I panicked. I didn't know what else to take. The issue with all of my Psych stuff still stands, so I couldn't do something like Abnormal or Experimental Psych, which would have been more awesome. I WAS going to do one of my two English requirements, English Composition 1, but because it's "computer-enhanced," it had an additional lab cost (I assume it's because we'll be typing and printing things out instead of handwriting). I just needed three credits, so I did something "good" for myself by taking a required class. I chose a particular American Government class with this extra bit in the description: "Notes: Class uses Social Sciences Lab A-301 for Special election exercises on election statistics and analysis of voting behavior." That sounds more fun than just a regular lecture class.

I stopped thinking about the Fall semester after the first time I set up a schedule, but this was all brought back to my attention because I had previously told Richy Davis to take a class with me (unfortunately, one I couldn't take anymore because it conflicted with my Japanese!). We spoke a little on the phone, and when I thought about it some more, I grabbed my coursebook and headed over to his house. Richy has a lot of his required classes done, but not all, and as we were talking and reading, we found out he might have to take a whole year (that is, both a Fall and Winter semester) of electives AFTER this semester. There are different degrees he could qualify for that would get him out after January, like the Applied Science Associates, but if he did what I was doing, the Liberal Arts Associates, he'd be there another year. He wants to do Physical Therapy for a four year degree, so I don't know what would benefit him more, but I DO know he'll be there for at least this Fall, and that's because we're taking the same Intro to Logic class.

It occured to me this morning (>_<) that I had neglected a large sum of helpful information by not talking to the Davises about their schooling more often than I have. John especially, since he's done at OCC. He's even taken Intro to Logic. There are a few things I could definitely use some insight on before I take certain classes. I'm really glad I went to OCC when I did, although I wouldn't have minded starting last year, either...

I'm doing bad in Math. I know I was all nonchalant about it early on, but I should have done a little more when I could. Homework isn't graded, but I wish I had done some in the last chapter or so. The issue I'm having is that I now know a dozen ways to solve a polynomial... but I never know which way is going to give me credit on a test anymore. I can't ask the teacher during a test, she'll just ask me which way we just studied... And I don't remember what we just did! I mean, I know what we learned, but I forget what we did Monday, which is what we're being asked, instead of last Wednesday, which can be extremely similar, but not relevant to the problem. I bombed this last test in a major way. At this point, if I do very well on the last quiz, the last test, AND the final exam, I can pull out a B-. Which is why I'm doing the homework now.

I only have three sessions left of each class. That's next week (Mon-Thur), and the first two days of the week after. I'm looking forward to being done with this part.


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