Sunday, March 21, 2010

Another case of "trying to post and then I don't."

Health care reform was passed in the house a little while ago. It's not perfect, because we had to drop the "dreaded" public option, and then we punched holes through what was left, and the funny part is that is was to appease moderate and conservative Democrats-- the Republican platform of "ALWAYS NO" made reaching out to them entirely pointless. One Republican guy called a PRO-LIFE Democrat (our very own Representative Bart Stupak) a "baby killer" in the middle of some speech that was -denouncing- the pro-choice measures in the bill, or maybe the fact that they were passing it without the Stupak/pro-life Amendment. Every moment of this ignorance and insanity is recorded; Jon made us watch CSPAN as it was happening (it was not fun).

The only thing that bothers me is that only the Democrats had dissenting members, and not because they voted against something that will help people, but because of the relentless uniformity of the Republican party. Democrats have liberal, moderate, and yes, even conservative members. Republicans have True Conservatives and those they brand RINO's. I find it very unsettling that the party proclaiming freedom and democracy marches so lockstep. Maybe a little funny, too.

I'm about to get all four seasons of Batman: The Animated Series. It's a fantastic cartoon. Started up in 1992, right after the Burton/Keaton Batman movies. It won a couple of Emmy's in its day, and it created what I feel are closest to the ideal versions of each character that could actually exist. I've been thinking about Batman and the Joker a lot recently, and I realized I needed to get reacquainted, since the most recent thing I'd seen or read was The Dark Knight a couple years ago, and all I left is whatever I happened to remember over years of reading and watching-- totally reliable, that ole grey matter, am I right? I've been pretty annoyed, ever since The Dark Knight came out, with how many Heath Ledger fans wormed their way into Batman and claimed Ledger's performance as THE BEST JOKER EVER. This is not true, but again, it's been forever since I've witnessed a good contender, so, Batman: The Animated Series. Dunno which comics I need to scrounge up, but a good rule of thumb for sizing up any character in comics is to 1) get a whole bunch, and 2) average it all out. I feel, though, that a lot of writers try to write the Joker as too dark. I'll show them.

Heading out to Ypsi again, not sure how much sleep I'll get. Nabbed some melatonin the past couple of nights, but ended up sleeping for 11-12 hours each day, so... Not doing that, need to be up.


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