Monday, July 6, 2009

Intermediate Algebra

Just got back. I recall being quite cocky about it ever since I registered for the class. I am now humbly downgrading the level of ease from "Booyah Super Easy" to "May Require Effort." Most of that is because I'm getting ahead of myself and over thinking problems in ways we haven't gone over yet in class. A small portion was actual re-learning. And one section was an actual problem. What was it?

Word problems.

I have never encountered difficult word problems before, or at least I don't remember. But I could not get one of these examples right. I don't understand the way she's setting up her rubric to deal with these problems, either. I put everything in the wrong spot. It's not that they're crazy puzzles or anything, they don't SOUND hard, I'm just not processing what is happening. So I'll have to cobble some sort of patchwork understanding of this stuff before the quiz.

Today was also the fullest day of math, according to the syllabus. That's fine by me, we did a lot. The most we'll end up doing in a day from here on out is five sections on a non-test, non-quiz day. Four on said days. The MOST. So it's usually three or four. We did seven on the first day. The sunny side of that is that I only really have to review one section to be test-ready. And I imagine that's as much as I'll ever have to review in any given chunk. Good stuff!

Psych starts tomorrow. I really hope it's not boring, I would be so disappointed. I haven't looked in that book yet, but maybe tonight after I do some math...

I can't believe I'm doing homework.


1 comment:

  1. For No Worker Left Behind I have to take an adult education level test called the TABE. I tried a sample math section, and was TOTALLY stumped by the first word problem. I have gotten the Saxon math books out of storage. Something about rusty metal traps, I think.
