Friday, July 24, 2009

Too hot out

I could do with less humidity.

I sorta have to skim my old posts to make sure I don't repeat myself. In the one where I mentioned my scholastic spreadsheet, I laid out my upcoming semesters. It's already derailed. Nothing bad happened, it just turned out that a lot of things conflicted, so I swapped things around. Starting in the fall, I will be taking;

Beginning Japanese I
Introduction to Logic
Psychology of Organizational Behavior

A lot of the classes I had in mind were all 10 or 11 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which is Japanese, and that's one class I'm not sacrificing for others. I'm not able to take Experimental Psych yet because I need to pass Intro to Psych with at least a B, which won't happen until registration for the Fall is over. This is the final line up, since I've registered for them already. I haven't paid yet, but that's because either Sallie Mae or OCC's financial aid department is slacking. I should be getting $1750 in loans (for this semester), like Sallie Mae told me they were sending over, but OCC is still asking for the full amount of my classes, so I dunno what the malfunction is. I'll be sure to kick some ass if nothing's resolved in the next couple weeks. It sounds like I'm putting it off, but payment isn't due for three more weeks, and Sallie Mae said there was no further action needed on my part for whatever step in the loan process I'm at. It is my fervent hope this is true, but I'll be watching nonetheless.

I really hope Logic won't be full of assholes. I've heard horror stories about philosophy classes before (and that's what that class is listed as). I think Fall and Winter classes will be smaller, or at least a different make-up, because almost everyone in the summer classes are just filling in credits for their regular school, or are continuing education people. My wish for my full, 15 week classes, is that my classmates are more involved. Everyone's a little vacant in the summer stuff, as far as I've experienced. I want to be in a place where other people care as much as I do, and maybe selfishly, about the same things. My Psych prof is okay, but he talks about tons of shit I don't even care about. Politics, mostly. Not just because I sometimes disagree (although that's a factor, no doubt), but because I'm genuinely interested in psychology, and we're not talking about it!! Argh.

Tomorrow I'm going out to, uh... a friend's house. I forgot where it is, but I have directions somewhere. My friend Aaron got back from basic training in the Army recently, and his family's throwing him a welcome back party. I was gonna go over early with Heidi and Jesse (Heidi is Aaron's sister, Jesse is Heidi's husband, and we all play D&D together), like noonish, but I had made plans around that time with Adam... And now that I think about it, possibly Mark Kane. I'll show up somewhere between 3 and 4 for the party, just to give myself some wiggle room.

Sunday, back down to Gross Ile for church, then back home for a bit, then Ken's graduation. His school, MIAT, is holding a graduation now, but Ken won't be done there for another couple of months. It's weird. They're gonna have a lunch thing, then the ceremony, and then, I dunno, maybe I'll come home and watch Ghostbusters or something.

I oughta do some reading for Psych, actually.


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