Thursday, June 25, 2009


Last night of US History from the Revolution to the Civil War Era!

s'been a busy few days. Monday, went to the water park, had a blast, only got lightly sunburned! Burned enough to be noticeable, but not enough for gross peeling, so hurray. I think Tuesday was just more class, but yesterday I went down and spent time with my dad. We were at the cafeteria at Henry Ford CC after finding out the study rooms in the library were all taken, but it was just as good. Played Magic for the first time in a long time, and got to share some ideas, which was cool too.

Later, I decided to go to this seminar thing with Dad and Heather, and their priest Fr. Phil showed up too to see what it was all about. It was an economics thing, basically, and a lot of it I knew already from my high school Personal Econ. class. Of course, as soon as I opened my mouth and said that, Fr. Phil said he wished he'd had something like that in high school. After pulling my foot out of my mouth, I realized it was a much more helpful series to people in that position, those having never had a real economics class, though it didn't come up again, so I didn't say anything else =/

When I started this, I had yet to go to class, but as of this sentence, I've come home from it. I got an A! Woo! It turns out I didn't even have to do the extra credit stuff. Tonight, instead of an exam, we did this game show thing where we were divided into four groups. Each group had six answers that they had to turn into questions for the other teams. We played four rounds, and each question was a certain number of points which rose each round. Interestingly, one of my groups answers was "Church of England", and our "question" was "The leader of this was the Archbishop of Canterbury." I didn't like the way our questions were written, but in the end, we won. The winning group got their overall grade bumped up by one step. If I hadn't done the extra credit, I'd have gotten an A-, then an A with the win, but that doesn't change anything really, because I had no idea this was going to happen, or that I would win.

One of my extra credit bits was going to the Holocaust museum. It started out being about Jewish culture, which I'm glad I saw, since it reminded me of things I found interesting and forgot when the newest interesting thing came around (more to illustrate that I have goldfish-like memory than to say it wasn't a priority). But in reading all of that, I forgot until I heard Adolf Hilter's voice that it was the HOLOCAUST museum, and I spent the rest of the time following all that history after lighter thoughts like "Hey, neat, Yiddish looks like German!"

I've been doing some more reading, and I read across some cool terms like "mental space" and "idealized cognitive construct." Cognitive linguistics or cognitive science looks a little more fascinating to me every time I think or read about it. I hope things work out to where I want/am able to do something in that field in a few years.

It is way too hot outside for nonsense, yet I still plan on going to kickball... Maybe I'll wake up earlier and switch the AC on. I know the dog would appreciate it.


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